The World of Diamonds

Learn more about the 4 Cs of Diamond Quality

The four most popular factors used to measure diamond quality are cut, color, clarity, and carat weight. Click on each section to learn more.


The cut, or the shape, is the most important of the ‘four Cs.’ It’s important to learn more to understand its impact on the brilliance and sparkle of the diamond in order to select the best stones.


Colorless diamonds are the most prized as they also allow for the most brilliance. Learn how color affects a diamond and how to choose the best stone that fits your budget.


A pure diamond creates more brilliance and is rarer. Learn how to find the best clarity grade that matches your budget.


Carat is the most fundamental of the ‘four Cs.’ The larger the diamonds, the rarer and more valuable they are.


Diamonds were formed deep within the Earth. Pure carbon was impacted by pressure and temperature, crystallizing and becoming a diamond rock. In ancient times, it was called ‘Adamas,’ and it was highly sought after due to its purity and durability. Indeed, it is the hardest known mineral. Those who are connoisseurs understand that two diamonds of the same size can have different values. These experts seek quality in diamonds and to assess it, four criteria are crucial: color, clarity, cut, and carat weight.

The history of diamond discovery is a delicate topic, as no one can definitively say when it was first observed. During the reign of the pharaohs, this gem symbolized the sun, signifying courage, fire, and truth. It was commonly placed at the center of the ankh, which is the Egyptian hieroglyph meaning ‘life.’

In the 8th century BC, a new term emerged in Roman-Greek texts, ‘Adamas,’ which means ‘untamable’ or ‘invincible’ due to the unimaginable hardness of the diamond. According to Greek mythology, the god Chronos transformed a young man named Diamond into a precious gem, and this young man gained incredible luck and strength. The diamond now serves as a miraculous antidote against poisons and enhances the love between two individuals united in the sacred bond of marriage, dispelling any misunderstandings that may arise. It offers protection from wild animals, terrifying nocturnal presences, and ghosts.

Diamond trade in India

In the 4th century BC, some information was found in India in Sanskrit texts. According to these texts, there was evidence that diamonds were already being traded at that time. The first emperor who ruled over India at that time had imposed taxes on diamond mining, which they called “vajra.” These taxes were determined by an amount clearly stated in a manuscript so that the entire population would be aware of it.

During their time, they had already recognized that the diamond is a very hard and high-quality stone, which is why they were already levying taxes on it. India was the first country to produce diamonds, and the quality of their gem was truly exceptional. Today, the mines from which famous and unique diamonds like the Koh-I-Noor, the Regent, or the Orloff were discovered have unfortunately been exhausted.

The Virtues of Diamonds: goodness and purity

The diamond is a symbol of goodness and purity. The first description, as given by Pliny the Elder, a writer who lived in the first century BC, is quite eloquent when talking about this gem. He describes it as a stone of great value. Its brilliance, purity, and the iridescence observed due to the decomposition of light gave rise to beliefs, such as warding off various kinds of dangers for the person who wears a green diamond.

This invincibility allowed various merchants, most of whom were Indians, to make a valuable assessment of the stone before selling it to the Romans. It was considered a talisman because it did not yet have its own form at that time. Diamonds with perfect shapes were prohibited from leaving the country as they were intended for the higher castes, such as the Brahmins. Colored stones were generally meant for the lower castes.

The diamond : medicine or poison?

During the Middle Ages, there were many favorable beliefs about this gem. Among them, it was believed that simply placing a diamond on any part of the body could cure illnesses. Because of this belief, several people perished from ingesting diamonds, which, instead of healing, led to their deaths during the Renaissance. This was confirmed when Pope Clement VII died after consuming a medication containing diamond powder. From that point on, it was considered poisonous and began to seriously concern the court.

The diamond : power and wealth

À travers les époques, il est toujours présent aux côtés des grands de ce monde. Ainsi, il devint la pierre du pouvoir illustrant la richesse et la puissance de ceux qui en possèdent. Le Roi François Ier adorait se pavaner de parures somptueuses comme son collier avec les 11 gros diamants. Et le Roi Louis XIV grâce au marchand voyageur Tavernier, collectionna encore plus de joyaux. Comme le marchand était connaisseur en matière de pierre précieuse et intelligent de surcroît, il était l’initiateur de l’histoire du célèbre diamant Koh-I-Noor qu’il a connu lors de ses périples voyages.

Evil diamonds

According to certain beliefs, there are different types of diamonds considered to bring bad luck, such as the Sancy, the Orlov, the Regent, and the Hope. The most famous for its curse is the Hope diamond. However, it’s up to each individual to believe in these legends or not.

The Hope :a cursed diamond

The Hope diamond is a 45.52-carat blue diamond and is still considered ominous because those who have owned it have met tragic ends. For example, King Louis XVI wore it only once and died from smallpox, and an American jeweler who purchased it went bankrupt. According to legend, this cursed diamond called “Hope” is believed to have caused the sinking of the Titanic by its mere presence. Hence, the curse affects anyone in possession of this stone, and the legend continues to endure. Today, this very special diamond can be admired at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington.

Another diamond: black diamond

Surprisingly, there is a variety of diamond known as “black diamond,” and it is found exclusively in the Central African Republic and Brazil. This diamond is called “Carbonado,” which means carbonized or burnt, and it typically has a charcoal-like appearance with colors ranging from gray to black, along with porosities.

According to studies conducted by American scientists, these diamonds are of extraterrestrial origin. Researchers support their thesis based on the composition of black diamonds, which do not originate from kimberlite or volcanic rocks. They were further surprised to find that these stones don’t contain a single crystal but rather a group of crystals, and their isotopic measurements do not correspond to those attributed to other diamonds.

Diamonds, a technology for the future

Since it is a very hard material, diamond is transparent to infrared and ultraviolet light and is an excellent conductor. Scientists have found a way to synthetically reproduce it while retaining its characteristics. Synthetic diamonds can be generated by crystallizing a liquid carbon metal under a pressure of 50 to 100 kilobars and at temperatures ranging from 1800 to 2300 K. Global interest increased when it was discovered that polycrystalline diamonds could be produced through chemical vapor deposition using hydrogen and methane. In the end, the same properties as those of natural diamonds were observed.

In fact, chemical vapor deposition is achieved on a solid surface through the chemical reaction of a gas. To produce diamond films, active carbon dioxide gas molecules are required. It is indeed a promising sector due to its production cost and potential development opportunities.

In conclusion, come and discover a wide range of diamonds directly in the Bruxelles Achat d’Or store, from white to colored diamonds, including the most sought-after ones. You have a vast selection to consider. For buying or selling, don’t hesitate to contact us. You will be amazed by the impeccable quality of our stones at unbeatable prices because the best price is our motto.